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Referans Kitaplar
Geliştirici: Marian Ciuca

!!This App its in Romanian language!!

The first references to the healing properties of medicinal plants dating back 6,000 years, when healers weather made from plants extracts as tinctures, oils, creams, teas, powders etc. They then put the foundations of treatments that have been preserved until today and that proved very effective
In general, it was found that treatment with herbs give good results in mild disease in the early stages of disease. In chronic diseases, this treatment has a role adjuvant and can contribute to reversibility of symptoms or injuries.
Some teas lead to rapid elimination of symptoms, but complex acts while natural treatments. Healing is a long process, depending on the duration of the disease, its causes etc. There are many natural medicine practitioners who have demonstrated by studies conducted in clinics, including serious diseases that can be cured.
The best known and easily applicable method for extracting and using active ingredients are herbal infusion, decoction, macerate, natural juice, poultice, tincture, medicinal wine, vinegar aromatic, medicinal oils, inhalers, gargle.
Youll discover how health problems have a simple solution without any side effects!

Primele referiri la proprietatile vindecatoare ale plantelor medicinale dateaza de acum 6.000 de ani, cand vracii vremii obtineau din plante extracte sub forma de tincturi, uleiuri, creme, ceaiuri, prafuri etc. Ei au pus atunci bazele unor tratamente care s-au pastrat pana in zilele noastre si care s-au dovedit foarte eficiente
In general, s-a descoperit ca tratamentul cu plante medicinale da rezultate foarte bune in afectiunile usoare si in stadiile incipiente ale bolilor. In bolile cronice, acest tratament are un rol adjuvant si poate contribui la o reversibilitate a simptomelor sau leziunilor.
Anumite ceaiuri conduc la inlaturarea rapida a unor simptome, dar tratamentele naturale complexe actioneaza in timp. Vindecarea este un proces de durata, in functie de vechimea bolii, cauzele ei etc. Exista numerosi practicieni ai medicinei naturale care au demonstrat, prin studii efectuate in clinici, ca inclusiv bolile grave pot fi vindecate.
Cele mai cunoscute si usor aplicabile metode de extragere si de folosire a substantelor active din plante medicinale sunt infuzia, decoctul, maceratul, sucul natural, cataplasma, tinctura, vinul medicinal, otetul aromatic, uleiurile medicinale, inhalatia, gargara.
Vei descoperi cum problemele de sanatate au o solutie simpla si fara niciun fel de efecte secundare!